For specific show advertisements visit
Helena Hettema's Facebook page.
SHOWS 2024
26 October – Elza (Van der Westhuizen Familiefees) - 082-900-1208
31 October – NG Kerk-Stellastraat – Waterkloof – Lollie - 012 460-8570
3 November – Fundraiser – Phyllis Robertson Home- Swartkops Country Club - Lynne -078-708-6238
9 November – Bohemia – Benoni –Neil – 074- 526-0710
30 November – Sweetfontein Lodge –private function - Phillip –
082-403-7240 – De Aar
8 December - performance - Pheasant Hill - Doringkloof East – Pieter –
083 459 0305
SHOWS 2025
25 January – Waterkloof Marina – Gigi – 082-471-3388
14 February -Magalieskruin Gemeente NG Kerk- Valentynsoptrede – Kerkkantoor – 012- 548 1245
16 thoughts on “Fan Club”
Kyk na Helena se DVD Alive:
Ruk my hart oop, pluk aan herinneringe en ontbloot my siel en menswees, haar stem breek die skanse van my maskers af en die weeloosheid van my binnekant is sigbaar! Dankie dat jy so ‘n kosbare DVD vir my geteken het.
Thanks for a magnificent show – your performance truly touches the soul! Lemon Jack 2011
Een geweldige zangeres, wat een inleving, wat een presence. Ik krijg kippevel/ hoendervkeis. Hoop dat zij ook naar Nederland en Vlaanderen komt. – 2012
Dear Helena,
I am still glowing inside from those moving words you said about me last night and they brought tears to my eyes . They meant more to me than I am able to explain. Showbiz is the only thing that appeals to all my senses and I miss interacting with people like you.
As to last night – you have become a consummate performer, one who can grace any stage, anywhere in the world. You are visually beautiful, and it is very evident that that beauty is reflected in your inner being as well. You come across as sincere, genuine, sensitive, romantic, generous and supremely talented as a singer and as one who has the acting skills that are able to add depth and meaning to the harmonious sounds your fine singing voice delivers.
Many singers have “an act” and that is what they deliver to their live audience. Not you. Rosalie and I felt that we were enjoying your company and that you were singing just for us and what we saw was the real you and not an image that you chose to project. That is a rare, special and precious ability you have, one to be cherished.
Your two sets were superbly structured and had well placed climaxes. Very few singers have that understanding of what to do with their material. I particularly liked and noticed that you kept the songs short so that you could deliver more to your audience.
You are a most generous and impressive artiste.
Rosalie and I went to bed with smiles on our faces, we so enjoyed spending last night with you.
With much love and appreciation and gratitude
PS I have the DVD of Aznavour and Minnelli in Concert, have you seen it?
Dear Helena
David and I just wanted to tell you, again, how much we enjoyed your show at Wilja’s wonderful Ouland Royale.
We all felt very privileged to experience a world-class performance in a magical setting. Our entire table was completely bowled over with your charm and talent. David and I were also thrilled to chat to you. We are enjoying your inspiring CD so much. Thank you!
As always, Wilja did us proud and made sure that the entire event was done to perfection. Beautiful tables and delicious picnic food.
We thank you both for a memorable evening.
David and Marsja
That voice
A broken soul in your audience
You touched my very core
The blood that runs through these veins
Now I live and do say Non Je Ne Regrette Helena
Thank you, Merci so much for absolutely everything
Suranel xxxxxxxxx
Gisteraand se optrede in Atterbury was VERRUKLIK! Baie dankie! Dit was die moeite werd om (weer) 200 km te ry vir jou show!
Jou stem – uniek, wonderlik, lekker luister. WOW
Hello. Tell me please, what language is the song “tolbos in Die wind”
Dear Andrey,
The song is in Afrikaans.
Thank you.
Haai Helena
Hartmut en Christa (jou Paputzi’s en nou Barnyard fans)sê weereens dankie – you touched our souls!
Is daar ‘n kans dat ek ‘n getekende CD (French Legends) dalk by die Barnyard kan kom kry – wil dit vir ‘n vriendin gee vir wie ek graag daarmee will bless.
Liefdegroete Christa
Great sangeres.
Baie lief vir tannie kan nie wag om tannie by my partytjie te sien nie. Geniet dit elke keer wanneer tannie sing.Die show die 24 Maart baie geniet ek my “geskenk” van tannie af baie geniet.❤❤
Ek het die geleentheid gehad om Helena Hettema in n lewende uitvoering te sien en daar is geen ander manier om haar optrede te beskryf as met die woorde: SUBSTANSIE, DIEPTE,INSPIREREND en ONGELOOFLIK !
Daarby saam n wonderlike persoonlikheid op die verhoog asook weg van die verhoog af.
Ek sal enige persoon aanbeveel om na n Helena Hettema show te gaan kyk/luister. Dit is 100% die moeite werd! Dankie Helena.
Hi Helena,
Ek het laas ‘n Cabaret van jou gaan kyk saam met my ma toe ek nog op skool was en soos dit sal wees mis ek elke show in Pretoria. Wanneer is die volgende een asseblief?
Was net te laat vir die 21 Plus by Atterbury Teater.
Sal graag weer ‘n goeie Cabaret wil sien
Gloria eterna : op die CD Dreaming saam met Magaliesburgse Kinderkoor. Ek het uiteindelik na jare se soek die oorspronklike musiek opgespoor. Beethoven se “Sarabande” ook baie mooi opname Arioso organ and trumpet. Joune bly steeds bobaas !!(ek het een aand in Kimberley laaank met jou gesels oor die spesifieke lied)